ISO 27001 Starter Kit

Looking for a Clear Roadmap to ISO 27001?

Simplify your path to ISO 27001 with a customizable project plan, process maps and supporting resources. 

See it in Action

What You’ll Get

Let Me Show You ALL the Resources You'll Get Access to When You Get the ISO 27001 Starter Kit Today.

Project Plan

The Starter Kit features a fully customizable project plan for the implementation of an ISMS in accordance to ISO 27001.

Mind Map Collection

Standards can be confusing and tiring. Visuals make understanding the requirements fast and enjoyable.

18 Process Maps

Adapt the included reference processes to your specific needs, allowing you to operationalise the ISMS right away.

Bonus Resources

Use the provided mapping table to compare the old and new controls and benefit from a comprehensive list of all standards of the ISO 27000 family of standards.

✓ Annex A Control Mapping Table (2013 → 2022)

✓ List of ISO 27000 Family of Standards

A Plan is the Secret to a SUCCESSFUL Implementation Project

Without a Plan

Higher chances of non-compliance

Higher Implementation Costs

Longer Project Duration


❌ Reduced confidence among stakeholders

With a Plan

Fast-Track to Compliance

No Trial & Error

Efficient Approach

Less confusion

Confidence among stakeholders

If you’re here right now, I know it’s because of one of the following reasons:

The Challenges You Face

Implementing ISO 27001 is a tough challenge that many people struggle with.

Complexity: ISO 27001 is full of details that can be hard to follow. Risk assessments, statements of applicability – the list of requirements seems endless.

Trial & Error: Without a clear roadmap, organizations are often forced to rely on trial and error. This approach is not only costly but also frustrating and time-consuming.

Time-Consuming: Many organizations find themselves dedicating months to the implementation process. The numerous assessments, documentation, and internal audits required can put a strain on your resources and hinder your day-to-day operations.

Costly: Whether you're considering hiring consultants or assigning a dedicated internal team, the costs associated with ISO 27001 can quickly pile up. From training to necessary tools, the expenses can be hefty.

Generic Nature: ISO 27001 is descriptive and generic, which makes it even more difficult to implement. The one-size-fits-all approach means that you have to interpret the standard and adapt it to your organization's unique context, adding another layer of complexity.

Listen, You are Not alone!

I know how complicated and time consuming a certification journey can be...

The Solution for You

Imagine having a step-by-step blueprint, tailored to fit any organization regardless of size, type, or nature. Imagine having access to a comprehensive collection of resources designed to simplify and accelerate your implementation process.

✅ Clarity: With a structured 12-step approach, the complexities of ISO 27001 are broken down into manageable steps, giving you a clear path forward.

Proven Method: You can avoid the costly and frustrating trial-and-error phase. This project plan is based on a proven 12-step approach that has been successfully implemented by organizations of all sizes and types.

Efficiency: No more lengthy implementation processes. You'll have access to a proven blueprint designed to save you hundreds of hours.

Affordability: You can now get closer to compliance without the exorbitant costs. The ISO 27001 Lead Implementer course offers a growing collection of resources at a fraction of the price.

Personalized Approach: With a plan that translates the generic contents of ISO 27001 into actionable advice, you'll have a personalized roadmap, tailored to fit your organization's unique context.

The Plan


Step 1

🤝 Management Support

Secure the backing you need to successfully implement ISO 27001 by gaining the endorsement and commitment of your organization's leadership.

Step 3

🔳 Determine Scope

Define the boundaries of your ISO 27001 implementation by identifying the parts of your organization, the information, and the systems that will be included.

Step 3

🔳 Gap Analysis

Design and establish the necessary management, core and support processes to ensure the ISMS can deliver its intended results.

Step 4

🔐 Define Information Security Policy

Establish a strong foundation for your information security management system by creating a policy that outlines your organization's security objectives and commitments.

Step 5

👩‍🏫 Competence Assurance

Enhance your information security by assessing, developing, and documenting the competence of personnel, ensuring they meet the necessary security standards and objectives.

Step 6

📦 Asset Inventory

Get a clear view of what needs to be protected by cataloging all the information assets within the scope of your ISO 27001 implementation.

Step 7

📊 Risk Management Methodology

Choose a risk management methodology that fits your organization, ensuring you can effectively identify and evaluate the security risks that threaten your information assets.

Step 8

🔍 Risk Assessment

Gain insight into the potential threats and vulnerabilities facing your information assets, and assess their potential impact and likelihood.

Step 9

🛡️ Risk Treatment

Decide on the best approach to manage each identified risk, whether it's reducing, retaining, transferring, or avoiding it, and then put the appropriate controls in place.

Step 10

📈 Performance Evaluation

Continuously monitor and measure your information security management system's performance to ensure it's effectively managing risks and achieving your security objectives.

Step 11

🔄 Improvement

Keep your information security management system up-to-date and resilient by continually identifying and implementing opportunities for improvement.

Step 12

🥇 Certification Audit

Validate your efforts and demonstrate your organization's commitment to information security by successfully undergoing an external audit to achieve ISO 27001 certification.


Project Structure

Smart project structure featuring stages (S), tasks (T) and milestones (M).

12 Stages

The project is aligned with a generic 12-step approach which is applicable to all organisations, regardless of size, type or nature.

300+ Tasks

Each stage consists of multiple tasks, that follow a distinct order and take you step by step closer to compliance.

7 Milestones

Milestones provide a clear roadmap for the project, allowing team members and stakeholders to understand what needs to be done and when.

Dynamic Timeline

Keep your deadlines and upcoming tasks in sight without ever having to redesign the gantt chart.

Progress Tracking

Stay on top of your project with the comprehensive status tracking feature.


Use this template as a starting point and adapt it to your needs.


Developed by an ISO 27001 Lead Auditor with multiple years of experience in running and auditing ISMS.

Process Maps

The ISO 27001 Starter Kit includes a set of 18 reference processes that assist you in translating the requirements of the standard into operational activities.

Governance Processes

Information Security Governance Process

This process guarantees the management of information security aligns with the organization's requirements, ensuring robust protection and strategic oversight.

Management Review Process

This process involves systematically evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the ISMS through the analysis of management reports, leading to informed decisions on improvements and actions.

Core Processes

Security Incident Management Process

This process is designed for the detection, reporting, assessment, response, resolution, and analysis of information security incidents to enhance future security posture.

Context Analysis Process

This process is designed to maintain a current and comprehensive understanding of the expectations of stakeholders concerning the ISMS, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives.

Security Policy Management Process

This process focuses on the creation, ongoing maintenance, and retention of information security policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines to uphold the organization's security posture

Risk Assessment Process

This overarching process involves the identification, analysis, and evaluation of risks, ensuring a thorough understanding and management of potential security threats.

Risk Treatment Process

This process focuses on identifying and selecting options for risk treatment, including the determination of control for the development of a risk treatment plan.

Control Implementation Process

This process is dedicated to initiating and verifying the execution of the risk treatment plan, ensuring the necessary changes are effectively implemented.

ISMS Change Management Process

This process manages changes to ISMS elements and assesses the impact of unintended changes to maintain the integrity and security of the information security management system.

Security Awareness and Training Process

This process is focused on continuously developing and implementing a program for information security awareness, training, and education to enhance organizational competence and vigilance.

Performance Evaluation Process

This process involves the monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation of two key areas: the effectiveness of security controls and the efficiency of ISMS processes.

Supplier Management Process

This process ensures that outsourced services are properly identified and managed to meet the organization's security requirements.

ISMS Improvement Process

The Continual Improvement Process: This process is dedicated to the ongoing enhancement of the ISMS's effectiveness, efficiency, suitability, and adequacy, fostering a culture of continual improvement.

Internal Audit Process

This process focuses exclusively on the auditing of information security controls to ensure compliance and effectiveness within the ISMS framework.

Security Incident Management Process

This process is designed for the detection, reporting, assessment, response, resolution, and analysis of information security incidents to enhance future security posture.

Support Processes

Communication Process

This process controls all internal and external communication related to the information security management system.

Resource Management Process

This process involves identifying, allocating, and monitoring the necessary resources to operate the ISMS processes effectively and to implement and maintain the specified controls.

Records Control Process

This process manages the identification, creation, updating, and control of records deemed essential for the ISMS's effectiveness, ensuring accurate and comprehensive documentation.

Customer Relationship Management Process

This process is designed to oversee customer satisfaction levels and continuously demonstrate the value added through investments in information security.



One-Time Payment

ISO 27001 Starter Kit

Simplify your path to compliance.



Project Plan

✓ 5 Mind Maps

✓ 18 Process Maps

✓ 2 Bonus Resources

One-Time Payment

ISO 27001 Lead Implementer

Learn how to implement an ISMS.



✓ 10 hours on-demand video

Project Plan

✓ Documentation Toolkit

✓ 5 Mind Maps

✓ 4 Bonus Resources

✓ 13 Quizes

✓ 5 Case Studies


Frequently Asked Questions

The All-in-One hub to help you launch, grow and accelerate your career in Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC)

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